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life cover.


Andy is aged 30 and is a non smoker. He has recently had his first child but he is separated from the mother. He wants to ensure that should something happen to him, his child will be financially looked after.

He decided to take out life assurance cover of €300,000 for a 25 year term period at the cost of €21.05 per month.

Alan & Jane

Alan is 41 years old and his wife, Jane is 39. They are both non-smokers and have two sons, aged 10 and 8. Jane earns €53,000 per annum as a HR manager and Alan looks after the children at home full time.

They took out €400,000 on Jane and €200,000 on Alan over 13 years until their youngest son reaches the age of 21. Their monthly cost is €77. 15.


Peter is a 45 year old separated father of three children. He is a non-smoker and earns €62,000 per annum. He took out a life policy on himself for €600,000 over a 16 year term until his youngest child reaches the age of 25.

He did this to ensure there was financial security for his children in the event of his premature death. His monthly cost is €64.56.

Paula & Tim

Paula, aged 40 is married to Tim who is 42 years old. They are both non-smokers.

Paula stays at home to look after their child, aged 8 and Bill earns 52,00 per annum. They decided to take out a €150,000 life cover policy on Paula and a €400,000 policy on Tim for a term period of 17 years until their child reaches the age of 25. Their monthly cost is €46.67.

Michael and Donna

Michael is 30 years old and his wife Donna is 33 years old. They are both smokers. They have one son aged 2.

Michael earns €38,000 working in security and Donna earns €40,000 per annum as a Junior Accountant. They took out a €350,000 life cover policy for over 23 years costing €61.93 per month to protect their financial future in the event of loss of income and also, to provide security to their son.