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Trusted brokers for

life cover.

Stephen & Laura

Stephen and Laura are both 39 years old and non-smokers. Laura earns €55,000 a year while Stephen €35,000 per year. They have three children aged 6,8 and 10.

They took out €500,000 cover on Laura and €300,000 on Stephen for 19 years costing €55.91 per month.


Siobhan is a 42 year old, non smoker. She has two children under the age of 6 and has just recently separated from her husband.

Siobhan and her ex husband had life assurance which has lapsed since the separation. She is a part time worker on a salary of €50,000 and thus took out cover of €400,000 over a 20 year term at a cost of €41.82 per month.

Peter & Barbara

Peter and Barbara are both 41 years old and are non-smokers. Peter earns €38,000 while his wife, Barbara earns €42,000 per year. They have three children aged 13, 12 and 11.

They took out a life policy on both of them for €300,000 over a 10 year term costing €42.80 per month.


Keith is aged 35 and is a smoker. He has two children under the age of 2, his wife is covered for 10 times her salary through employment and thus, they feel Keith is the only one who needs cover.

Keith is on a salary of €30,000 per year and feels that life cover for €250,000 over a 25 year period at a cost of €36.04 per month is more than adequate.

Conor & Deirdre

Conor, aged 44 and Deirdre, aged 42 are married. They have a daughter and a son aged 14 and 10. Conor earns €70,000 per year working in Finance and Deirdre earns €52,000 working as a PR manager.

They took out a life assurance policy covering them both for €500,000 over 11 years until their youngest reaches the age of 21. Cost €77.15 per month.