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Health Benefits of Cutting Down on Screen Time

Because of our work culture and technology today, we spend a lot of time staring at screens. According to a Nieslen Study, adults spend nearly 11 hours a day staring at a screen. Screen time can cause health problems that you may not know about. Below are easy tips to prevent these screen time problems.

Too Much Screen Time Related Health Problems

Sleep Problems

Blue light emitted from digital devices can affect your ability to sleep. These light emissions can harm your brain’s production of melatonin. Melatonin is needed for sleep because it is a chemical produced by your body to regulate your sleep. This is usually made worse when staring at screens in the dark. Using technology before bed can also affect the quality of your sleep. This can increase your brains activity while it is trying to settle into a restful state for sleep.

Eye Strain

Too much exposure to screens of digital devices can possibly cause Computer Vision Syndrome. This can cause eyestrain, headaches, itchy eyes, eye fatigue and blurry vision.

Poor Posture

Poor Posture is another problem people who spend too much time on digital screens can have. This poor posture can damage muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, and spinal disks.


Prevention Tips

Even though some screen time cannot be prevented, there are some things you can do prevent some of these problems;

Computer Glasses

You can purchase blue light glasses that reduce the amount of blue light your eyes are exposed to. This can reduce eyestrain and help improve your sleep.

Desk Chair

The desk chair you sit in at work can help improve your posture and keep you from slouching. Getting a chair with good lumbar support or using a pillow to support your lower back can prevent poor posture and back problems.

Screen Time Control

There are many apps and some phones that have ways for you to set up time controls for apps on your phone or tablets. Apple’s iOS 12 has a tool where you go into the settings of your phone and limit the amount of time you spend on certain apps. There are apps you can download on all phones to limit time.

Ban Screen Use in the Bed Room

This can help prevent you using your phones or other digital devices right before you go to bed. This can improve your sleep because you are limiting exposure before going to bed.


Screen time reduction is an important way to keep healthy. Taking these steps will help you remain physically healthy, but it is also important to remain financially fit. Protecting yourself and your family financially from sudden death or illness is a way to remain financially fit. Even if you think you will not qualify for a life insurance, we can help you find a policy. Get a free personal quote here.

5 Life Insurance Myths that keep You from Buying a Policy

There are many common myths about life insurance that stop people from purchasing life insurance. You may believe one of these misconceptions and have not purchased a policy yet. Life insurance could protect you and your loved ones in case of a sudden death or illness.


1. Because you are young, single and healthy, you do not need it.

Just because you are young, single and healthy does not mean there is no need for life insurance. If you have any outstanding debt from education loans, car loans, or other debts, when you pass away, these debts will be transferred to your estate and still need to be paid of. Life insurance policies can help pay off these debts in case of sudden death, so your estate is not stuck paying it off. If you get a policy when you are young and healthy is usually cheaper, which makes it more manageable.


2. Employer-provided insurance is sufficient enough.

This is not always the case because company provided life insurance usually only covers 1 to 2 times the amount of your salary. 1 to 2 times your salary is not a sufficient amount. It is recommended to have 10 to 15 times the amount of your salary. Life insurance policies can provide this recommended amount in case of sudden death or illness.


3. All life insurance policies are the same.

This is just not true. Most life insurance providers have many different policies for people of all lifestyles. There are policies for people with different health conditions, for married and single people, and policies for people in all stages of their life.


4. Only breadwinners of the family need a policy.

The lose of one source of income can be a harder hit to a family than it is thought to be. Just because one spouse is not the breadwinner, you still lose one source of income for your family and this can take a bigger toll than you make think. If both income earners for the family have life insurance policies, in the case of a sudden death, the policy can assure the family can live at the same standard.


5. I have a health condition like high blood pressure or asthma and will not qualify for a policy.

Serious health conditions may disqualify you from life insurance, but not all health condition disqualify you form life insurance. Most insurance companies have plans for people with health conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. If you have a health condition, the premiums might be higher, but you can find a policy. Read more here.


To read more myths about life insurance click here.

At Oomph.ie, we provide competitively priced life insurance policies from the top 6 insurance providers in Ireland and can find a policy to fit your life. Take our 3 easy steps to get a free personal quote today!


Here’s Where #FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Is Doing Millennials a Disservice

Fear of missing out—is more than just a hashtag to millennials. Many Millennials admit that #FOMO drives a lot of their decisions on what they wear, what they do, even what they eat and drink. We live in a world of social influence.

But one area where #FOMO really does you a disservice? No one is afraid of missing out on the benefits of life insurance. And why should you? There are so many other things competing for your money. That said, do you know what you’re missing out on by not having it? Are you making one or more of these mistakes?

You think life insurance is much more expensive than it actually is

Three in four Millennials overestimate the cost of life insurance—sometimes by a factor of 2, 3, or even more! Imagine being able to afford life insurance for the cost of that daily latte, and for less money than your avocado toast habit!

You think you can’t qualify for life insurance

Nothing could be further from the truth, and yet four in 10 Millennials think this is true, according to the same study! Younger candidates have an easier time getting life insurance because they are generally healthier.

You’ll turn to GoFundMe if something goes wrong

In an era where social networking does all things, it’s natural to think that your loved ones can crowdfund their way to solvency after something happens. But life insurance benefits aren’t taxed like GoFundMe proceeds are, and life insurance has a defined, immediate payout that GoFundMe does not. Plus, your loved ones don’t need the stress or the stigma of having to ask others for help.

You’d rather spend that money on other things

In fact, one study recently suggested that many Millennials are more concerned about planning their next night out with a significant other than planning for their financial future.  But sensible steps now will make for a better future with that significant other long past tomorrow night’s date.

You don’t care because you don’t have people depending on you for money

Take a look at your student loans. Were any of them private loans? Who is liable for them—in full, often immediately—if something happens to you? There are other debts you may need to consider as well—anything where you have a co-signer.

You keep saying you’ll get around to buying insurance, but don’t

Millennials are getting married, having families! Young families have enough to worry about with daycare costs and increased medical costs, right? Well, imagine what your young family would do about those bills if something happened to you. Could your spouse pay the rent or mortgage without your income?

You tune out when “adulting” gets too hard

One recent college grad recently confessed to me that he hadn’t elected into any of his employee benefits at the dream job he got in his field because “my dad takes care of that.” He was shocked to learn what he was missing out on!

Yes, adulting *is* hard, but a sound financial plan that includes retirement and insurance coverage (health, life, and disability insurance are all part of that plan) goes a long way to making sure that you don’t look back on your younger years and think, “Oh, why didn’t I start this sooner?” Plus, you don’t have to do it alone—that’s what insurance agents are for. They will sit down with you at no cost, or obligation, to discuss what you need and how to get coverage to fit your budget. But then, signing up—that IS on you. Don’t miss out.

For more myths read here.